04 Jan How to Start a Campaign on Indiegogo – A Basic Guide
So you’ve got a project or a cause that you’re passionate about. You’re looking to fund it by leveraging the power of social media channels and crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.
Got an idea of how to create and start your Indiegogo campaigns? Let’s go through a basic Indiegogo marketing & strategy GUIDE to see how to do exactly that.
Quick Overview Video ⬇️
You already have a Indiegogo campaigns in mind. Be it a charitable cause or a commercial project, Indiegogo makes it possible to put your plan out there and connect you with backers who believe in your goals.
To get started, visit Indiegogo and register your account. Remember to fill all details correctly, especially the payment ones so that your pledges end up where they’re meant to be. Make sure you go through their rules and list of prohibited items.
Once done with your account registration, simply click the ‘Start a Campaign’ area on the main website to get started. This assumes you are already logged in as a registered user.
To get started, Indiegogo will offer you to choose between funding a project or a cause. Select the appropriate option, and you will be required to fill in some basic information regarding your initiative.
You will have to fill out data related to:
- The Recipient: Choose between Individual or Business/Non-Profit. This is an important step that determines how your funds will be disbursed at the conclusion of your campaign. Be aware that this option cannot be changed later, so choose the right one.
- Country: Select the country where your firm or residence is located. You will also have to specify where your bank is located. Please consult the list of countries where Indiegogo is supported in order to avoid problems later on. Please also keep in mind that this information cannot be changed later.
Once everything is in order, submit the information on this page and click Start My Campaign.
But hold on. Your Indiegogo campaigns details are only saved in Draft mode right now. This essentially means that the campaign is not yet public. Please note that campaigns in Draft mode are deleted after 6 months and removed from your account.
Creating your campaign
Now we come to the meat of the process – your campaign creation. You will be taken to Indiegogo’s Create/Edit Campaign Tool.
You will be greeted with options like this:
It is time to fill out all the information the best way you can.
Some tips that can help you put your best foot forward and leave a great impression on your backers:
- Choose an amazing yet relevant image for your campaign. People will be seeing this image as the first thing on your Indiegogo campaign landing page. Make sure it is attractive enough for people to click on it.
- Come up with a catchy campaign title and short description. These elements can be best described as the headline and subheading for your project.
Make it work with Good Content
Now its time to put up some seriously compelling content. This essentially means coming up with a viral Indiegogo campaigns video, and a story that resonates with your target audience. Let’s tackle these two things one by one.
They say video killed the radio star, and for good reason. Videos are the most consumed content type on the internet, so getting it right boosts your chances to resonate with fans and backers.
Tips on making a killer video:
- Short and sweet. Anything within 1-3 minutes is good. Make sure you get your point across by mentioning your Indiegogo campaigns goals and intentions within the video.
- Hook them in the first 10 seconds. You know what they say about first impressions.
- This video can also be used as a YouTube banner ad if done right.
- Give your video a personal touch by appearing in it yourself.
- Your backers want to see what your project is all about, so make sure you give them a sneak peek.
- Ask your audience to join you on this incredible journey in making a difference.
- Give a clear-cut call of action at the end of the video.
- Upload it to YouTube and/or Vimeo. Make sure you add the video URL so that your campaign grows organically.
Tips on getting your story out there exactly right:
- Vital information first, the rest is secondary.
- Be compelling but don’t drag on.
- People want to know why you need the money. Convince them.
- Talk about yourself, your team and any events/experiences that made you embark on this journey.
- Proofread everything.
- Create a FAQ section.
- Break your long text content with images and videos in between.
You will have to choose what sort of funding you’re opting for – fixed or flexible. You can read all about these two types of funding here.
Once you select the option that works best for you, Indiegogo will finally ask where you want your funds to be disbursed. Assuming you chose from the list of supported countries, Indiegogo will ask for your bank account information.
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Last but not the least, Indiegogo campaigns will ask you which currency and funding goal you want. Please be aware that these options can’t be changed later.
Add Team Members
If you have any other people who are part of your project, you can simply enter their email addresses in the ‘New Team Member Email’ field. You can also designate them as editors if you like. Editors can access your Indiegogo dashboard and edit campaign details.
You also have the option of sharing your draft campaign with others via the ‘Generate Link’ option under Extras.
Tip: Make sure you create a short link to your campaign. It’s easier to share and remember with your audience.
If you want your campaign to keep raising funds even after reaching your funding goals or passing the deadline, you can do so by selecting ‘InDemand’ option.
It’s launch time!
Now that you are done with everything, it is time for you to move your Indiegogo campaign from draft to reality.
It is a good idea to check everything is in order before hitting the ‘Launch Campaign’ button. Indiegogo will prompt you if any important information is missing. By launching your campaign, you will be liable to Indiegogo’s Terms of Use.
And that’s it. Good luck raising funds for your project.
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