28 Apr Top Crowdfunding Sites to Raise Money for Your Big Idea
So you have a brilliant idea and want to turn into a huge success? That’s not impossible thanks to crowdfunding websites. As you’re well aware these websites allow users to present their campaigns and raise money to turn ideas to reality thanks. Community spirit is strong on crowdfunding websites as people realize the value of some idea and decide to support it. There are tons of crowdfunding sites but in this post, we’re going to highlight the best of them.
Kickstarter is, by far, the most popular and widely used crowdfunding website in the world. The platform helps artists, musicians, designers, filmmakers, and aspiring entrepreneurs find resources and support they need to turn their ideas into reality. More than 16 million people have backed some Kickstarter project and that’s absolutely amazing. Since the launch of the platform, in April 2009, over $4.3 billion has been pledged and 161,981 projects have been successfully funded. The popularity of the platform, ease of use, and the number of users are some of many reasons why you should take Kickstarter into consideration when choosing a crowdfunding site where you’ll present your campaign.
What many people don’t know is that Indiegogo is, actually, older than Kickstarter but not too much of course. The platform was founded in 2008 and it is present in 235 countries and territories. Over 9 million backers are on the platform and that’s an outstanding accomplishment. Founders of the website were inspired by their own experiences when they were trying to turn their ideas into reality. They decided it was time to make it easier for others to achieve the success they deserve and for which they work hard. The rest has become history! Most Indiegogo users create campaigns for tech innovations, community projects, and other creative works.
Not all crowdfunding platforms are for profit. Bearing in mind that many people want to raise money for a project that will benefit the whole community the platform Causes was founded in 2007. In fact, Causes is the largest platform of this kind and its primary objective is to provide people the website and tools required to make this world a better place. The platform focuses on social, cultural, and political issues and is ideal for non-governmental organizations and, basically, other people and groups who want to do something about injustice, cruelty, and other negative things in the world.
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Patreon is an ideal crowdfunding website for creators. The platform was established back in 2013 by a YouTube musician Jack Conte and his roommate Sam Yam. Patreon is particularly popular among podcasters, vloggers, and YouTubers who want to get the most out of the technology and internet to turn their dreams and ideas to reality. What makes this site so useful is its unique structure that allows artists to form strong relationships with their fans and other creators. Creators can also deliver exclusive content to their Patreon subscribers. If you belong to digital creators category, then Patreon might be the platform you need.
If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur you’ll love Fundable, a platform that focuses on helping startups, entrepreneurs, and companies raise capital from the public through business crowdfunding. Users of the platform offer either equity or rewards in return for financial support from their backers. It’s a great site to get started and establish your place in the business world.
Many people think they will never turn their ideas into reality, but that’s far from the truth. With support from community and backers online you can turn your campaign into an outstanding success. This article highlighted some of the best crowdfunding platforms for different types of campaigns. Now you just need a strong strategy and start working on your campaign to make your dreams become reality. Need help? Hire our Crowdfunding and Kickstarter marketing agency today!
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